Abogado profesional y experimentado en derecho familiar
Has venido al lugar correcto.
José A. Contreras se graduó de la Universidad de California, Berkeley, donde obtuvo una licenciatura en Ciencias Políticas con énfasis en Relaciones Internacionales. Continuó sus estudios al obtener una Maestría en Negocios Internacionales de Hult International Business School mientras vivía en Shanghái, China.
He received his Juris Doctorate from Thomas Jefferson Law School, where he founded the Society for Law and Mental Health. As a student paralegal, he volunteered with the San Diego Volunteer Lawyers Association to provide free legal assistance to victims of domestic violence for over a year and received the Distinguished Service Award. He also received the Wiley E. Manuel Award from the California Bar Association. While studying for the bar exam, Mr. Contreras worked as a provisionally licensed criminal, family, and probate attorney, passing the California bar on his first try.
Mr. Contreras exclusively practiced family law while working as an associate attorney at a regional firm before starting his own practice to better serve his clients in even more areas of the law.
Representó con éxito a cientos de clientes
Preparación constante para un servicio de calidad.
Definición de éxito
Asistencia compasiva a las familias que atraviesan situaciones complejas.